Friday, June 10, 2011

Cameras and Photos, I Love

Paris, France

In any forms that I sign up for, whenever there is a tab that asks for my hobbies or interests, the first thing that I answer is writing. Honestly, I really love to write more than anything else. I never run out of anything to say if I have a pen and paper. (well, yeah I do experience the what they so-called 'writer's block', I believe it's just normal)
Nikon DSLR

For many years that I have been part of our school paper, a close friend of mine was the one taking pictures with his DSLR camera. I tried one time to take a picture using it and.. woah, I got amazed of its high-definition quality. During that time I'm sticking with the Polaroid One-Step camera that my grandfather gave to me as gift. I enjoy every moment I take pictures with it/ the 1st DSLR? I broke it, it was an accident, honestly. Father promised me, soon he will give me his DSLR. For the meantime, he allows me to take it with me wherever I go, as long as he's not going to use it. I love to take pictures in the field. I love flowers, the skies, the hills, and if I'm lucky enough to spot a few birds and a plane, then my day is satisfied.

Kodak Starmite
Two days ago, I was looking for other pictures of vintage cameras. And I got passed by with this one from Kodak Starmite cameras that comes with flash bulbs. Looks very old to me. But it's stated below this photo that it's still working. Well, that will work me, really. I got attracted with another camera, Franka Solida. Looks great for me. The owner stated that it's built like Mercedes. I would have to agree with it too. Right now, I'm still happy with my One-Step Polaroid and soon I'll have my own DSLR.

Let's take more pictures for more fun.